The components and instruments required for this lab are listed below.
•Resistors Capacitors Inductors
•1KΩ 10nF 680μH
•Function generator Oscilloscope
•Agilent 33120A 15MHz Agilent 54621A 60MHz dual-channel
•Tool box
•Hook-up wire
•Oscilloscope probes
III. Pre-lab Assignment
The schematics for two networks N1 and N2 are shown in Figures 1 . Prior to constructing these networks in the lab, you are to analyze and simulate these networks for the pre-lab assignment. Data from the results of this work will be used to partially fill out Tables. You must bring the results of your pre-lab assignment to the lab to assist you in the measurement process.
A. RL network N1 (Figure 1, Tables 1 and 2)
1. Analysis
a. derive the network ODE with the resistor voltage vR(t) as the dependent variable, time t as the independent variable, and Eg(t) as the network excitation,
b. set the initial inductor current to zero (iL(0) = 0), set Eg(t) equal to a step function with an amplitude of 10V; that is, Eg (t) = 10 V u (t)
and solve the ODE for the complete time-domain function for and the inductor voltage vL(t),

i. use MatLab, Mathcad, or Excel to plot vR(t) and vL(t) versus time, scale the vertical axis for voltage and the horizontal axis for time large enough to observe exponential behavior, label the axes with correct units, and
ii. fill out the first column of Table 1;
c. set the initial inductor current to zero (iL(0) = 0), set Eg(t) equal to a sinusoidal function with a peak voltage of 10V and a frequency f of 150KHz; that is Eg(t) = 10 V sin wt ; w=2πf ; f= 150 Hz and solve the ODE for the complete time-domain function for vR(t) and the inductor voltage vL(t),
i. use MatLab, Mathcad, or Excel to plot the input voltage vin(t), the resistor voltage vR(t), and the inductor voltage vL(t) versus time, scale the vertical axis for voltage and the horizontal axis for time large enough to observe several frequency cycles, label the axes with correct units, and
ii. Fill out the first column of table 2