Please evaluate the answer of the given Problem
Problem- Consider a paramagnetic solid containing N atoms per unit volume with each atom having a magnetic dipole moment ~µ. If the source of ~µ is the spin of a single electron in the atom the it's measured direction can only be parallel or anti-parallel to an externally applied magnetic field, B~, leading to two possible energy states from the coupling of ~µ and B~. According to statistical mechanics, the probability of an atom being in a state with energy U is proportional to e~U/kT, where T is the temperature and k is Boltzmann's constant.
Part 1- Derive the limiting behaviors of this formula for the cases µB >> kT and µB << kT
Part 2- Which of these limits corresponds to Curie's law? What is the form of Curie's constant C?
I need experts help to explain the limits corresponds to Curie's law.