
Derive data needs for the various processes in the pfd

In this assignment we will use a car rental company for conducting systems and business process analysis.  The idea is to apply the systems approach and the PFD and data need assessment techniques for uncovering process and interface problems so that we can later address them through development of Information Systems. This also reinforces your skills with systems and process flow diagrams that you would use in your project.  The case is at the end, just scroll down.

Goal of the Assignment

Reinforcing the systems concept, PFD and data need assessment skill and understanding their use in discovering problems in Business Processes.


1. Demonstrate the difference between the symptoms and problems

2. Uncover problems in Business Processes using systems approach and PFD

3. Derive data needs for the various processes in the PFD using SIPOC

4. Draw systems diagram and process flow diagram for existing business processes

Tasks to perform

Specific tasks that you need to perform are

1. List all the symptoms of the problems faced by CaRent.  Identify and list the possible underlying problems.  Please note that symptoms are outward manifestations of problems (e.g. long wait time, misplaced paperwork) and they can be cascaded.

2. List the possible external environmental pressure points faced by CaRent.  Also list the various systems components of CaRent such as inputs and outputs, various sub-systems, interfaces, etc.  Draw a systems diagram that will represent CaRent using a suitable drawing program.

3. Identify and list the various types of interfaces and associate the symptoms listed in part 1 with these interfaces and with the sub-systems identified in part 2.

4. Develop two process flow diagrams for CaRent's rental and return processes.  Identify and mark the processes (circle them) and interfaces (put a red + mark on them) creating problems for the company and thus are in need for change.

5. For the above process flow diagram, select about 5-6 processes that you think are in need of change and develop a SIPOC chart to show how the data/information are obtained by each of the processes along with the sources, storages, and sinks for those information items.

6. Write a one page memo/description of your findings clearly articulating the problems faced by CaRent and the area where those problems are to be found.  This is more of a summary of the work that you have done in step 1-5 above. Please note that the memo is not due with the rest of the work, it is due later on Sept 29, 2016.

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Dissertation: Derive data needs for the various processes in the pfd
Reference No:- TGS01651685

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