
Deriving clausius - clapeyson equation

Question1) Answer all the questions:

i) Write down the properties of absolute temperature?

ii) Two states of energy gap 6.9x10-21J have relative probability of e2. Compute the temperature of the complete system.

iii) Write down the second law of thermodynamics.

iv) Describe the concept of triple point.

v) 1kg. water (at 30oC) is mixed with 2kg water (at OoC) compute the change in entropy.

Question2) What is carnot engine? Derive an expression for efficiency calculation of carnot engine.

Question3) Expalin and derive clausius - clapeyson equation.

Question4) What is the concept of liquid helium I and II? Describe the abnormal properties of liquid He.

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Chemistry: Deriving clausius - clapeyson equation
Reference No:- TGS04159

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