Discuss the below:
Q1: For the circuit in Fig. let VCC =10 V, RC =1 kΩ, and RB = 10 kΩ . The BJT has β=50. Find the value of VBB that results in the transistor operating
(a) in the active mode with VC =2 V;
(b) at the edge of saturation;
(c) deep in saturation with βforced = 10. Assume VBE ? 0.7 V

Q2: Consider the circuit of Fig. P6.48 for the case VBB = VCC. If the BJT is saturated, use the equivalent circuit of Fig. 6.21 to derive an expression for βforced in terms of VCC and ( RB/RC) . Also derive an expression for the total power dissipated in the circuit. For VCC = 5 V, design the circuit to obtain operation at a forced β as close to 10 as possible while limiting the power dissipation to no larger than 20 mW. Use 1% resistors.