
Derive an expression for time-to evaporate all liquid

Discuss the below:

Q: A thin-walled cylindrical container of diameter D and height L is filled to a height y with a low boiling point liquid

(A) at Tsat,A. The container is located in a large chamber filled with the vapor of a high boiling point fluid

(B). Vapor-B condenses into a laminar film on the outer surface of the cylindrical container, extending from the location of the liquid-A free surface. The condensation process sustains nucleate boiling in liquid-A along the container wall according to the relation q" = C(Ts - Tsat)3, where C is a known empirical constant.

(a) For the portion of the wall covered with the condensate film, derive an equation for the average temperature of the container wall, Ts. Assume that the properties of fluids A and B are known.

(b) At what rate is heat supplied to liquid-A?

(c) Assuming the container is initially filled completely with liquid, that is, y = L, derive an expression for the time required to evaporate all the liquid in the container.


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Mechanical Engineering: Derive an expression for time-to evaporate all liquid
Reference No:- TGS01999055

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