
Derive a formula for the nth derivative

Solve the following:

Q1. Determine whether....converge or diverge

(i) n=∞n=1Σn+1/3n2+5n+2

(ii) n=∞n=1Σn^n/n!

(iii) n=∞n=1Σx^n/n2
where x∈R

Q2. Given that an,an-1,.....a1,a0 are all integers and that an and a0 are non zero,derive a necessary condition for the equation

anxn+an-1xn-1+....+a1x+a0=0 to have a rational root.Then use this condition to prove that √n-1+√n+1 is irrational for every integer n>=1.

Q3. Using binomial coefficient,derive a formula for the nth derivative of the product of two function.

Q4. Suppose that f(x)has a continous first derivative for all x∈R.

(a) Prove that f(x) is concave if and onloy if f(x*)+(x-x*)f'(x8)>=f(x)for all x and x*R

(b) Given that f(x) is concave,prove that x*is a global maximum of f(x) if and only if f'(x*)=0.

(c) Given that f(x) is strictly concave,prove that it cannot possess more than one global maximum

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Mathematics: Derive a formula for the nth derivative
Reference No:- TGS01939747

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