
Depreciation does not involve a cash flow yet we consider

1. Depreciation does not involve a cash flow, yet we consider cash flows from the depreciation tax-shield. What is the depreciation tax-shield, and how does it produce a cash flow?

2. Suppose a firm buys and asset, depreciates it over its 10-year MACRS life, and then sells it for $100,000 15 years from the time it had bought it. Without performing any calculations, describe the tax consequences related to the assets purchase, depreciation, and sale.

3. Mama’s Goulash Company is considering purchasing a washer. The dishwasher cost $50,000 and would be depreciated over three years using MACRS. After three years, Mama’s plans to sell the dishwasher for $10,000. The tax rate is 40%. What are the cash flows related to the acquisition of the dishwasher? What are the cash flows related to the disposition of the dishwasher?

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Financial Management: Depreciation does not involve a cash flow yet we consider
Reference No:- TGS02663306

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