
Deporting adult illegal immigrants who were brought to us

Subject: Deporting Adult Illegal Immigrants Who Were Brought to U.S. as Children. The subjects of this contemporary moral dilemma faced by U.S.: 1. such subject was not a moral agent at the time when s/he was brought to the U.S., so there is no question of whether their actions at that time were morally right or not (only moral agents are bound by moral standards) 2. such subject grew up in the U.S., paid taxes whenever s/he shopped, interacted with the U.S. society, learned its language, values, contributed to its culture, abides by its known laws 3. such subject has no legal residence status in the U.S. through no fault of their own (forced into U.S. by parents, and forced to have no legal status by U.S. laws) 4. such subject is an illegal immigrant, and s/he is aware at this time of his/her illegal status in the U.S. 5. s/he has no desire to go to a country that, given that they were not raised there but in the U.S., is, culturally, a foreign country to them 6. s/he has a desire to remain in the U.S. legally, given that they were raised in the U.S. and, culturally, they identify with the U.S. 7. s/he has no felony conviction YOUR TASK IS TO SOLVE THE MORAL DILEMMA: Decide, using one the four ethics theories listed under (1) below, whether it morally right or morally wrong to deport such subjects to the respective country in which each was born; thus, is it morally right to force them out of the U.S. and to force them into another country? In order to complete the task you must: 1. Defend a moral position (argument): answer the question formulated above according to your preferred ethical theory from those studied in class except Ethical Egoism or Cultural Relativism. Thus you must choose one ethical theory from the following options: Aristotelian Ethics, Confucian Ethics, Kantian Ethics, Utilitarian ethics. Your answer (decision to deport or not) should follow logically from the correct application of your selected ethical theory to the above dilemma. If you could help me get started or some ideas that would be fantastic!

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Other Subject: Deporting adult illegal immigrants who were brought to us
Reference No:- TGS0789259

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