
Dependent variables and independent variables


For our purposes, the main distinction is between dependent variables (DVs) and independent variables (IVs).

A DV, sometimes called a criterion, is the variable that we're trying to either predict or control. Some typical DVs in business settings are:

* Market position
* Profit
* Job Satisfaction (Jobsat)
* Intention to quit.

An IV is a variable we usually aren't controlling (hence Independent), but may want to, because we believe that it has an effect on the DV. Some typical IVs that may have effects on the DVs listed above are:

* Advertising budget
* Research and development budget
* Pay
* Job characteristics (interest, autonomy)
* Stress (environmental factors, office bullying, etc.)

Your assignment is to identify THREE DVs that are relevant to your job or your organization. For each DV, indentify ONE IV that plausibly has an effect on it.

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Accounting Basics: Dependent variables and independent variables
Reference No:- TGS01926031

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