
dependence on agricultural productiondependence

Dependence on agricultural production:

Dependence on agricultural production and primary product for exports. The external sector comprises Imports and Exports, Ghana shows dependence on a single crop, Cocoa, for export. In Ghana, the major exports including cocoa account for about 60 per cent of the total foreign exchange earnings of the country. Minerals in general earn on the average about 15 per cent of our total foreign exchange earnings. Normally, primary products in LDCs account for between 80-90% of export earnings but in the developed countries it is about 35 per cent. In Ghana, the primary sector accounts for on the average, about 80 per cent of our foreign exchange earnings implying that Ghana is more of a developing country than a developed country.

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Microeconomics: dependence on agricultural productiondependence
Reference No:- TGS0179516

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