
dendrology this is the study of all kinds of

Dendrology: This is the study of all kinds of trees. Dendrology we can also say it xylology it is the science or study of wooded plants like trees, shrubs, and lianas. There is no sharp boundary between the dendrology or plant taxonomy.  Woody plants are not only belong to many different plant families, but also these families can be made up of both woody or non-woody members. Some families contain only a few woody species. 

There are severely limits for the usefulness of a strictly dendrological approach. Dendrology based on to focus economically useful woody plants, their identification or horticultural & silvicultural properties. Dendrology science is often confused with botany. Because the botany is the study of all kinds of general plants, while the dendrology studies only wooded plants. Dendrology can also be considered a subcategory of botany which specializes in wooded plants.

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Biology: dendrology this is the study of all kinds of
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