
Demonstration of analysis and evaluation of each person

I need help with completing the following assignment for my Lifespan Developmental Psychology Course.

Read verbatim the following:

In Europe, a woman was near death from a special kind of cancer. There was one drug that the doctors thought might save her. It was a form of radium that a druggist in the same town had recently discovered. The drug was expensive to make, but the druggist was charging ten times what the drug cost him to make. He paid $200 for the radium and charged $2,000 for a small dose of the drug. The sick woman's husband, Heinz, went to everyone he knew to borrow the money, but he could only get together about $1,000 which is half of what it cost. He told the druggist that his wife was dying and asked him to sell it cheaper or let him pay later. But the druggist said: "No, I discovered the drug and I'm going to make money from it." So Heinz got desperate and broke into the man's store to steal the drug-for his wife.

Find two folks to interview with the Heinz dilemma. (one child and one adult).

On your own behalf, answer if the husband should have done that? (1-2 paragraphs)

Collect the response of the child and the adult if the husband should have done that. Then, analyze which stage you believe they are currently in. Give a rationale for why you believe it is that stage. NOTE: You may need to ask your participants WHY they believe he should steal or not steal to get good information from them. (1-2 paragraphs)

Compare and contrast what each person said, based on their age. (1-2 paragraphs)

Then write 1-2 paragraphs on what you learned. Write VERBATIM what each person said and their age, as well as your analysis of their moral development.

Rubric for criteria to be met for this assignment:

1. Demonstration of analysis and evaluation of each person based on your knowledge of stages of human development?

2. Express both your expectations about each person's responses and what you learned from their actual responses?

3. Presentation of your position in a logical, interrelated set of ideas that cover all sections described in the assignment and follow the rules of grammar, syntax, spelling, and quality writing.

It is important that this is assignment is completed at an undergraduate level of writing. Also, it is critical that the assignment shows an application of the material in Fiore's textbook, Fiore, L. (2011). LifeSmart: Exploring Human Development.

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Financial Accounting: Demonstration of analysis and evaluation of each person
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