Swallowing Difficulty After Stroke (Dysphagia)
Assignment guidelines:
Reflective and critical analysis of a case study from clinical practice, focussing on one specific element of stroke care and management. This assessment element allows the student to demonstrate their understanding of the pathophysiology relating to stroke (learning objective 1) and critically evaluate the signs and symptoms seen (learning objective 2). The assignment requires the student to reflect upon current clinical practice and critically evaluate and appraise the evidence that underpins effective care delivery (learning objective 3) incorporating national guidelines into their work (learning objective 3).
A reflective, critical analysis of the care given using a reflective framework
Integrate relevant theory to support the rationale for treatment/ care delivered
A critical discussion of the role of the multi-disciplinary team in the management of the patient, particularly the nurses role
The physical, psycho-social and cultural impact of the condition upon the patient/carer & family
Demonstration of a critical understanding of the epidemiology, aetiology and pathology of stroke and how this impacts upon the health of the individual
Reference to the evidence base for stroke and decision making in inter-professional practice
Reference to national policy directives in relation to stroke and the benefits for practice within an inter-professional context
Confidentiality to be maintained within the work (NMC Code of Conduct 2015)
Total card: 3000 word