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• As a leader Lane must show her honesty even if it means admitting to a mistake of not acting on her concerns when giving Kent the green light. People will trust a leader who will actively display honesty as one worth following. In order to be successful, relationship building among staff and their leaders is a function of trust. Trust is built on reliance, integrity, ability, or character of an individual. Therefore, the trust between lance and his worker is a vital step towards maintaining and promoting business efficiency.
In order for Lane and kent to protect and rebuild the relationships between the other staff is to communicate openly about the realistic goals that are being set to achieve. It is important for Lane to acknowledge the issues that occurred and be up front with the decisions that were agreed upon. This means that Lane now have to be very clear about what the plan are to move the project forward and to ensure trust in the employees to do their job such as; "What are we going to do?", "When does it start and finish?", and "How does it get implemented?" are all questions that lane have to answer.
You would suggest that both Lance and Kent follow these steps from the course reading; in order to improve trust as leader between their staff.
1. Demonstrating Trust by establishing rules, policies, and procedures to protect against sending the wrong message.
2. Sharing Information can be powerful; this will build a sense of trust between leaders and worker. This will allow feedback on important topics such as strategies, financial data, issues or problem areas, group activities contribute to organizational goals and performance that may occur. communicates trust and a sense of "we're in this together.
3. Providing Opportunities for Everyone to Win; When people within an organization are forced to compete against one another, you lose everyone's trust. Now all people are concerned about is looking out for number one.
4. Resolving Concerns Head On-Resolve concerns head on by putting challenges on the table and giving people an opportunity to influence the process.
5. Admitting Mistakes-An apology can be an effective way to correct a mistake and restore the trust needed for a good relationship. Leaders who admit mistakes when they are wrong are not seen as weak-they are seen as having integrity and being trustworthy.
Reply to:
• Reading the course readings for the week. What would you suggest Lane do to protect his relationship with Kent and his staff? Include in the answer a description of what trust means to a leader, and how it creates followers and loses them. What suggestions would you give Kent to help him fix and rebuild his relationships? Be specific and practical with your suggestions to both questions.
Lane should have a joint meeting with Kent and his staff. During the meeting Lane should revisit the GDD vision as well as the vision and mission of the Marketing Division. According to the article from the Blanchard Company, "Building Trust" (2010), trust is a primary factor in how people work together, communicate, and build relationships.
Lanes also needs to present the consultant's recommendation to the entire team to allow them to collectively backwards plan to arrive at sufficient timelines to accomplish the task.
Trust to a leader means that he can count on his team to be honest and forthright and that he can be counted on to reciprocate. Trust will result in followers being loyal and having pride in team accomplishment. Lack of trust will result in the team not working toward the mission. Instead they will most likely just show up and do the bare minimum.
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