
Demonstrating the doctoral learners ability to integrate

Find at least 10 new peer-reviewed literature resources. For EACH peer-reviewed article located on the topic develop an annotation including the five elements: Citation, Author's abstract, at least five direct quotes from each resource, paraphrasing of each original quote, and a comprehensive paragraph demonstrating the doctoral learner's ability to integrate material from various sources in order to present, or argue, a point. Each annotation must include the following:

Complete Citation

The author's abstract

At least five direct quotes from the article that enhance your understanding of the topic. The direct quotes can be up to 150 words.

A rendering of your understanding of the direct quote in your own words. Your rendering should have at least 70 percent of the word - count of the original quote. (Advice: Review the original quote, then put it aside. Write about your understanding of the quote without looking at the original.

After you've written your version, compare the original with your version to make sure you captured the meaning, but did not inadvertently plagiarize the original.

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Business Management: Demonstrating the doctoral learners ability to integrate
Reference No:- TGS02865195

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