Demonstrating signs of dementia


Mrs. B is a 62-year-old white female who presents to your office with her daughter for follow-up after a recent Urgent Care visit. The daughter reports Mrs. B is demonstrating signs of dementia. Her daughter notes that the patient has not been eating much for the past few weeks reporting she has a gnawing pain in her stomach. If she does eat, she reports getting 'full' very quickly. She reports feeling mildly nauseous for the last few weeks. The patient sustained a fall injury about 9 months ago from a ladder. She shattered some teeth and developed an infection. She is under the care of an oral surgeon. The patient's coworkers have mentioned to the daughter that 'she is never in her office or available' over the last few weeks and seems 'off her game'. She was evaluated yesterday at Urgent Care and instructed to follow-up in your office today. Labs drawn at Urgent Care reveal a Hgb of 8 and HCT of 24.

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Reference No:- TGS03392750

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