

The purpose of this project is for you to demonstrate your understanding of object oriented software development in practice. In order to achieve this, you will:

1. Take a requirements document describing a problem and design an appropriate set of classes to solve that problem.

2. Demonstrate your understanding of the three-tier architecture by assigning your classes appropriately to each layer of the tier.

3. Demonstrate your understanding of the class relationships "has-a" (composition) and "is-a" (inheritance) by including both types of relationships between your classes where appropriate.

4. Demonstrate your ability to transform a class diagram into a software system.

5. Demonstrate your ability to properly document your software with comments and explanation.

Steps 1-3 will be demonstrated by you creating a UML class diagram and Steps 4-5 will be demonstrated by you developing your own software.

A simple requirements document will be given to get you started. Because this is an "object oriented" programming course, you should make every effort to create classes and objects that solve the problem. It is always possible to write non-OO software but that is defeating the purpose of this assignment and even if your software is correct, it won't get many marks.


The problem is to write a space invaders1 game in Visual C#. The game should have the following features:

1. The user can play using the keyboard (arrow keys for left/right and space bar for shoot)

2. The space invaders come down the screen, moving left to right, and shooting at the player.

3. The player can shoot and scores points for each space invader that is destroyed.

4. The player dies when aliens shoot her/him. The player gets three lives and then it's game over.

5. The game displays the top 5 scoring players on the introduction screen. If the player beats anyone in the top 5, they are asked to enter their name and their name and score is recorded.

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Software Engineering: Demonstrateyourunderstandingoftheclassrelationshipshas-a
Reference No:- TGS0669895

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