
Demonstratethe client-server communication capturing to

Assignment: Data Communications - Local Area Networks

(A) Instructions for submission

1) Create your assignment submission file as an MS Word document (only Word file is allowed). List your team members on your cover page.
2) Demonstratethe client-server communication capturing to John (during any class before deadline).

(B) Objective

The objective of this assignment is to some HTTP as application layer protocol and TCP as reliable transport layer protocol. HTTP is carried by TCP. Also, in the assignment you will investigate the working of client-server mechanism, from both application and networking perspective.

(C) Assignment ToDos

1) Work in a group of two students (i.e. 2 PCs), or one person using 2 PC/VMs if one person. One PC will act as server, other one will act as client.

2) Perform the following tasks

a. Install and runa web(HTTP) server in the server machine. Note: Make sure you understand that an FTP server (e.g. Filezilla server) and a web server (e.g. Apache) are not same. You should use a web server.

b. Create a simple web page.

i. Make sure your web page has at least one image.Later, this will help you to demonstrate that a web page download actually creates multiple socket connections between the server and the client, one for each object in the page. This a key point of the report.

ii. It should be a plain .html page. Don't use .asp or .php or any other type of page.

iii. Don't use the default web page provided by the web server.

iv. Don't assume directory listing as your web page.

v. I want a web page created by YOU for this assignment, and must contain the names of the person(s) doing the assignment.

c. Host the web page. This means place the relevant files in proper folder(s) in the server machine. Make appropriate change in the web server configuration to indicate this page, making your machine a ‘web site' for external browsers.

d. Browse the web page fromclient PC.

e. Capture packets for all the transactions between the server and the client during the page download.

f. Prepare a report.

3) In the report provide the followings.

a. A formal introduction to the whole assignment and report, stating what this is assignment/report is about.

b. A short overview of HTTP protocol and web architecture from client-server point of view.

i. Provide a simple diagram to illustrate the concept.

ii. Mentions port numbers involved.

iii. Mention client and server software tools involved.

iv. Provide a list of reference you used for the report.

c. A brief description of your network setup for the experiment. Provide the network diagram, clearly indicating mode (e.g. WiFi) of connectivity, IP addresses of each node involved, etc. of your setup.

d. A brief description of the procedures you followed to perform the tasks above. Use separate numbered sections for the description of each procedure.

e. Screen shots for important procedures or events, embedded with procedure description. Here are some hints.

i. Server running
ii. Webpage hosted
iii. Web page down loaded
iv. Each step of Wireshark activity/analysis

f. (Lots of marks here...) Observation and results organized meaningfully and professionally (in tables, screenshots, etc.). Clearly highlight important results that you see in the experiment.

g. (Lots of marks here...) Analysis of the results- stating clear understanding/meaning of the results/observation. Explain ‘why...' with reference to the ‘HTTP Overview' you provided earlier.

h. (Lots of marks here...) A formal conclusion section. Mention salient results and learnings.

(E) Format Guideline

1. Size of report: The main body of report should be less than 15 pages (not counting the cover page and screen shots).

2. Cover Page: Use a professional looking format and design. Include assignment number/title, course code/title, professor's name, and student name(s).

3. Page number: Expect for the cover page, all pages should have page number at the bottom of each page.

4. Section number: Organize contents of the document in logical sections.

5. Text formatting: The whole document should use consistent formatting with regards to font face, size and decoration, line spacing, indenting and so on.

6. Figure and Table: All the figures and tables should have number and caption (e.g. Figure 1: Block Diagram, or Table 1: Year 2017 Statistics). For Figures, number/caption should appear under the figure and for tables, place the number/caption above the tables.

7. Reference: Use consistent referencing format (for example, you can use APA format). List the references in the Reference section (if you need one) in the order of their mention in the main text.

8. DON'Ts:

a. Do not copy/paste text or figures from other sources. Rewrite in your own words and redraw the figures to reflect your customization.
b. Do not use unnecessary or irrelevant description or illustration.

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Computer Engineering: Demonstratethe client-server communication capturing to
Reference No:- TGS02745510

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