
Demonstrates understanding of scientific writing summarizes

Mian LS, Maag H, Tacal JV. 2002. Isolation of Salmonella from muscoid flies at commercial animal establishments in San Bernardino County. Journal of Vector Ecology 27: 82-85.


1. Water: Water quality, treatment, safe drinking water.

Journal Sources

American Journal of Public Health

Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and toxicology

Emerging Infectious Diseases*

Environmental Science and Technology

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

Journal of Air Pollution Control Association

Journal of Environmental Health*

Journal of Food Protection

Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association*

Journal of the American Water Works Association

Journal of Medical Entomology*

Journal of Vector Ecology*

Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health

Journal of Water Pollution Control Association

Science, Journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science*

Water and Sewage Works

Writing Assignment: Assessment

1. Demonstrates understanding of scientific writing: summarizes key points and sections; understands what needs to be cited; sections have contents appropriate; graphics integrated into and integral to the paper; discussion synthesizes results with literature; shows evidence of analytical thinking.

2. Content, comprehension , and development of ideas: follows assignment topic

(A. Hazard ID- toxicological data & hazards

B. Dose-¬response assessment-exposure vs probability of health effects

C. Exposure assessment-extent of human exposure to toxicants

D. Risk characterization-estimation of the magnitude of human risk.); has a title that fits paper; has sufficient data and information; has appropriate and challenging content; evidence of original work (no copy/cut and paste); defines technical terms, used appropriately, not gratuitously; paraphrases correctly and accurately; stays on topic; conclusion captures main points/objectives.

3. Organization and structure: clearly organized; introduction sets up paper and specific points follow in order; flows with a topic sentence, repetition of key words; topic sentences focus paragraphs; shows an understanding of transitional phrases;.

4. Documenting and citing: adequate citing; paraphrases without excessive quoting; sources introduced appropriately; follows appropriate documentation style; citations to match references.

5. Mechanics: correct labeling of tables and figures; correct word choice; correct tenses; subject/verb agreement (e.g., data were); punctuation, comma use; correct use of italics; correct sentence structure and syntax; and concise language appropriate to science.

The Paper

should meet the following criteria:

1. It should be typed doubled space and 5 pages.

2. The format should have title, text with subtopics, summary and references.

3. Reference style should be similar to the following:

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Dissertation: Demonstrates understanding of scientific writing summarizes
Reference No:- TGS02297098

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