
Demonstrated understanding of economic concepts related to

1. Quality of explanation of the topic chosen for the bring note and why its important.

2. Demonstrated understanding of economic concepts related to the chosen topic, application of those concepts to analyse the topic, and, where relevant, to synthesise a solution.

3. Quality of exposition and communication.

Research and write a 2000 word policy brieÖng note on one of the following.

The applications covered in the Örst part of the subject (taught by Dr Eldridge)

Topics 5 to 10 covered in the second part of the subject (taught by Professor Harding)

The policy brieÖng note should cover the following

The source of the problem.

Evidence regarding the magnitude of the problem;

Policies to address the problem. Depending on the particular circumstances this could comprise a discussion and evaluation of existing policies or a discussion of proposed policies.

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Microeconomics: Demonstrated understanding of economic concepts related to
Reference No:- TGS01241762

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