
Demonstrate your understanding of the principles of

Demonstrate your understanding of the principles of Catholic Social Thought (CST) in relation to 'self' and 'community.

Assignment - Your assessment is to:

Create a wiki page for the topics of 'self' and 'community'. Demonstrate your understanding of the principles of Catholic Social Thought (CST) in relation to 'self' and 'community'.

What are you being assessed on?

Assessment is designed to assess the first intended learning outcome, namely:

Describe coherently in writing the principles of Catholic Social Thought (CST), and through a personal written commentary on each one, explain that the concepts of 'self' and 'community' are interrelated.

Readings for this assessment:

The readings from weeks 2-5 of the unit available to you via the LEO and through any wider or further reading you wish to include. Please note that you are not required to read outside of the reading list in the unit in order to achieve a high distinction in this assessment task.

General Instructions:

  • Construct a wiki page describing in writing, the 9 principles of Catholic Social Thought (CST) as outlined in the unit, and draw upon these principles to demonstrate the interrelationship between the concepts of 'self' and 'community'.
  • From this assessment you will receive constructive feedback to assist you in completing the assessment.
  • The wiki page is to be no more than 1,200 words in length.
  • The page may have illustrations/artwork that relate to the content of your page. Try and make your page interesting and engaging for readers.
  • The page must refer to the extracted readings in the unit reading list for weeks 2-5. You may refer to other material you have read around the topic in order to gain a greater understanding of the topic but note that you are not required to read outside of the reading list in the unit in order to achieve a high distinction in this assessment task.
  • All material must be referenced. References do not count in the word limit. See referencing guidelines on the UNCC100 LEO page (You can find it under Assessment>How do I reference course materials for UNCC units?).
  • Feel free to make the wiki as interesting and engaging as you can by using other modes of communication and external resources (e.g., blog posts, online articles, videos, animations, audio tracks etc) that help illustrate concepts. Ensure you have referenced the above mentioned modes of communication and resources correctly.

The 9 principles of Catholic Social Thought (CST)

1. Dignity of The Human Person

Innate personal value and rights, which demands respect for all people, regardless of race, wealth etc.

2. Common Good

Sacrificing self-interest to provide for the basic human needs of everyone makes the whole community flourish

3. Preferential Option for the Poor

Those who are most vulnerable and/or have the least should have their needsprioritized over the wants of others are addressed

4. Subsidiarity

Wherever possible, those affected by a decision should be involved in making it. Power is localized, not centralized.

5. Universal Purpose of Goods

The earth's resources must serve every person's needs, regardless of who 'owns' them

6. Stewardship of Creation

We have a duty to care for the earth as a (God-given) gift to all

7. Promotion of Peace

Relations with others should be mutually respectful and collaborative, at national and global levels

8. Participation

Everyone has the right and the duty to take part in the life of society (economic, political, cultural, religious, social, etc.)

9. Global Solidarity

We are all interconnected and one human family, with the same duty towards those far away as our close neighbours.

1250 words

8 Harvard reference.

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Dissertation: Demonstrate your understanding of the principles of
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