Assume you are non-profit business responsible for the Cleanliness and Beautification with the following description:
· Clean, beautify, and maintain streets and sidewalks along Bay street.
· Strategic program development for the delivery of sustainable maintenance services in Downtown Staten Island or targeted locations along Bay Street
· Sidewalk/street sweeping; bagging of trash, graffiti removal, snow removal; installation of new litter baskets in coordination with DSNY; educational campaigns centered on litter reduction, clean streets, business involvement; streetscape beautification/landscaping(trees/tree guards in coordination with New York City Parks, planters, flowers)
Requirements: You are required to write on the following with a maximum of 5,000 characters for each component:
Proposal Description:*
Maximum 5000 characters for each.
Demonstrate your organization's understanding of the commercial revitalization and small business challenges in the neighborhood(s) you have selected.*
Outline your organization's experience in effectively managing high-quality, local economic development initiatives
Staffing Plan:
Explain how your organization will devote resources to staffing Neighborhood projects
Describe your organization's relationships with local stakeholders and how you will leverage existing and new partners to support your Neighborhood projects.