
Demonstrate your knowledge of pathophysiology


Peta Potter is 39 years old and she has a stressful job as an office manager - she is usually so busy, she rarely has time for lunch except some fast food on-the-go, she admits to drinking a lot of coffee during the day. She eats out (usually Thai and Chinese restaurants) with friends at least 3 nights per week, is a "light smoker" of 5 cigarettes a day and often indulges in a glass of wine in the evening. She has been suffering upper abdominal pain in the evenings and takes ibuprofen for this but has found it has not helped. She has also experienced some embarrassing episodes of excessive burping recently.

The doctor provides a diagnosis of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease.

From the case, choose one risk factor and demonstrate your knowledge of pathophysiology by linking it to Peta Potter's diagnosed condition.

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Other Subject: Demonstrate your knowledge of pathophysiology
Reference No:- TGS03246548

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