
Demonstrate your ability to access and use information

The purpose of this assessment is for you to demonstrate your ability to access and use information about diet and nutrition to complete a number of short answer questions.

You are also required to identify strategies to assist you in maintaining your current knowledge about diet and nutrition.
You must also demonstrate an ability to only provide information both in accordance with the Australian Dietary Guidelines (2013) and within the scope of your job role.


You are required to complete all the questions in the research task in a short answer format. Where you do not know an answer and have had to use additional resources to answer it, you must cite the resource used. You are required to reference in accordance with APA and you must provide both in-text and end-text references.

Questions - Part A

1. Name four factors that influence and impact people's food choices.

2. In what ways do culture and religion impact on food choices? Give two examples.

3. Explain what a healthy diet means to you.

4. a) Do you think everyone has the same understanding of what being healthy means?

.b) What influences people's understanding of health?

5. List three (3) conflicts of interest that exist within the nutrition industry and what the ethical issues associated with these are.

6. What does NRV mean?

7. What four (4) components make up the NRV?

8. Why is our food labelled?

9. What are the key points to interpreting a food label?

10. a) If a study is done on a particular food product and it is funded by the company that produces it, is there a conflict of interest?

b) What are the ethical considerations of this?

11. As a beauty therapist, what are the limitations of your job role in regards to nutrition and dietary advice?

12. What are the legal and ethical requirements that need to be considered when obtaining dietary and nutritional information from clients?

13. As a beauty therapist, which organisations should you refer clients to in order to ensure they receive reputable, evidence-based information? How can you determine their authority?

14. What sort of dietary and nutritional recommendations can you make as a beauty therapist?

15. What are the recommendations to older adults, adolescents and children from the Australian Dietary Guidelines?

16. According to the Australian Dietary Guidelines, what is a healthy diet?

17. What are the 4 macronutrients? Why are they called macronutrients?

18. Why is water considered a macronutrient?

19. According to the Australian Dietary Guidelines, which foods are good sources of:
a. Carbohydrate

b. Protein

c. Fat

20. Complete the following table by filling out where mechanical and chemical digestion and absorption occur in addition to each of the functions of the macronutrients.

21. According to the Australian Dietary Guidelines, which foods are good sources of micronutrients?

22. Describe the effects of various food processing and cooking methods have on the nutrient composition of your food.
a. Chopping/mincing
b. Steaming
c. Boiling
d. Raw

23. How does food storage affect the nutrients in food?

24. What does RDI mean?

25. How would you be able to determine the RDI of a food you were eating?

26. What is the RDI for the protein for the average adult?

27. What does toxicity mean? How is possible to reach toxicity for vitamins and minerals?

28. Using your understanding of the digestive system's structure and function, label the following diagram using the following terms:
a. Mouth
b. Sigmoid colon
c. Appendix
d. Pharynx
e. Rectum
f. Oesophagus
g. Gallbladder
h. Anus
i. Ascending colon
j. Stomach
k. Descending colon
l. Pancreas
m. Liver
n. Transverse colon
o. Small intestine

29. Briefly describe and explain the pathway of food from the point of ingestion to defecation. Include the following terms in your description:
a. Ingestion
b. Mechanical digestion
c. Propulsion
d. Chemical digestion
e. Absorption
f. Defection

30. Define metabolism.

31. What role does the digestive system play in our metabolism?

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Dissertation: Demonstrate your ability to access and use information
Reference No:- TGS02529717

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