
Demonstrate understanding of the legalregulatory

1. Written Report - Annotated Bibliography

This is the major piece of work for this course and as such, should satisfy the following criteria:

- A company should an Australian company.
- Demonstrate understanding of the legal/regulatory environment and relevant laws as well as economic, ethical, social/cultural, international and political issues
- Demonstrate the ability to investigate, synthesise and analyse
- Demonstrate understanding as to the most appropriate, efficient and effective means of managing the legal risks that arise from the circumstances
- Clearly and convincingly communicate the findings
- Be between 4000 words

Topic: EITHER: For a selected organisation:

(a) Summarise in about 250-500 words the characteristics/features of the organisation (you can choose a statutory/government body or select a business or not-for-profit organisation if you prefer and describe what goods/services it provides).

(b) Outline any legal governance, management and relationship issues that affect the organisation as a whole (this is to link you into the lecture material) (about 250-500 words - awareness not depth is required at this stage)

(c) List any general and specific legislation that is of particular importance in regulating the organisation and any relevant industry or similar bodies

(d) Outline areas of high legal risk for the organisation as a whole and SELECT ONEto be the centre of your discussion and analysis

(e) Explore the reasons and implications of this legal risk for the organisation both short -term and those that may arise in the long-term.

(f) Identify and describe strategic options for management of this legal risk and evaluatethose options in terms of cost and benefit to the organisation

(g) Offer recommendations as to the most appropriate option and the rationale for those recommendations.

OR: for a selected piece of legislation, legal policy area or area of common law:

(a) Summarise in about 250-500 words the focus/rationale/intent of this policy, legislation or common law

(b) Outline any legal governance, management and relationship issues that are shaped by the above (this is to link you into the lecture material) (about 250-500 words - awareness not depth is required at this stage)

(c) Listhow the legislation etc applies to organisations and any relevant industry or similar bodies

(d) Outline areas of high legal risk for organisations that emerge from the policy etc and SELECT ONE to be the centre of your discussion and analysis

(e) Explore the reasons and implications of this legal risk for such organisations both short -term and those that may arise in the long-term.

(f) Identify and describe strategic options for management of this legal risk and evaluate those options in terms of cost and benefit to organisations

(g) Offer recommendations as to how this legal risk might be managed, the most appropriate option and the rationale for those recommendations.

Note that a structured annotated bibliography should use the following headings:

(a) Relevant textbooks
List at least three textbooks are useful. Write down which chapters/pages appear relevant, where the text can be/was obtained, and BRIEFLY why the text will be useful. You can also include texts that appeared to look useful (eg via their title) but which you have found are not - eg out of date?

(b) Relevant academic journal articles
List at least two journal articles, with at least one being refereed (peer-reviewed). These may include articles from journals found on electronic databases as well as paper journals.
In relation to each article, briefly comment on how it might be or is relevant to your selected issue and organisation.
If this is not explicit from the reference style, indicate where each journal article is available (ie. database name or library at which the journal is held).

(c) Other materials
You may find useful discussion papers, submissions made by industry bodies, reports, notes by individuals etc. from the internet or elsewhere. PLEASE use the correct style for these: See the University's General Guide for the Presentation of Academic Work for assistance.
For each reference, please comment briefly on where and how you found it, why it is relevant and how authoritative it is.

(d) Cases and Legislation
List any cases that appear useful, where you found them and why they may be useful. You are NOT expected to spend a large amount of time searching for case judgments eg via the Austlii database or to read long cases, although the CCH online library cases do have a summary headnote at the beginning you could use. As much as possible, though, you should find cases from secondary sources (eg texts, journals).
List legislation that you have found to be relevant.

(e) Comment on whether you think you have sufficient resources, and/or what type of resources you think you will need to find to write your essay and where you will look to find them!

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Business Management: Demonstrate understanding of the legalregulatory
Reference No:- TGS02916636

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