
Demonstrate the use of algorithms and pseudocoding to the

Assignment: Virtual Store

Use the concepts and scenario from Assignment 1 to help "Your" Virtual Business to increase the functionality of its online shopping cart. When a customer checks out, the shopping cart must store the required data pertaining to each item the customer is buying. Your job is to design a program that will prompt the user for the required data and then store it. The required data includes the item name, the price of each item, and the number of items being purchased. When complete, your program should include three (3) arrays, two (2) loops, one (1) and / or conditional statement, and one (1) variable.

Using Visual Logic, design a flowchart that is also a fully functional program to add functionality to the online shopping cart. According to your design, the program must:

Include a header or an output which shows: "Welcome to XXXX Shop". Note: XXXX is your first and last name.

Continually accept data regarding the purchase of fruit as specified below until the user enters a sentinel value, or until six (6) items are entered, whichever comes first.

Prompt the user for each item and accept the name of the fruit (e.g., "dried apples"), the price per pound, and the number of pounds sold in a month.

Store the required data in three (3) arrays (e.g., one (1) for the item name, one (1) for the price per item, and one (1) for the number of items being purchased) with corresponding index values. Note: For example, index value 3, when applied to the "itemName" array, would give us the name of the third item that the customer is buying. That same index value of 3, when applied to the "pricePerItem" array, would give us the price per item of that same third item that the customer is buying.

Store up to six (6) values in each of the three (3) arrays.

Provide functionality in which the user ends the program by typing a sentinel value, and the program tells the user what the sentinel value is. Note: An acceptable message may read "Type n to end the program.", where "n" is the sentinel value. If the user does not end the program in this way, then the program ends when it has collected the data for six (6) items.

Print an itemized receipt with the following data after the last item in the purchase has been saved to the array.

Item name
Price per item
Quantity of items purchased
Subtotal price for each item, calculated as price per pound multiplied by the number of pounds
Total weight of the entire order (in pounds)
The cost of shipping which is based on the total number of items, calculated as 40 cents per item. Note: For example, if the customer purchased four (4) items, the cost of shipping would be (.40 * 4 = $1.60).
Grand total price of all items and shipping.

Note: Use the "console" option in the output command to accomplish this task. An example of an acceptable output has been provided below:

Item name    Price per pound    Number of pounds   Subtotal

Light Bulbs       $4                        3                       $12

Towels            $3                        5                       $15

Total Shipping   8                       $27                    $3.20

Grand Total                                                        $30.20

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Include the code as a fully functional Visual Logic Program with the .vls extension.

Submit the assignment files (Visual Logic Program and Screenshot) as a packaged .zip file.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Demonstrate the use of algorithms and pseudocoding to the problem-solving process.

Distinguish among the basic types, steps, and properties of programming.

Apply the techniques of functional decomposition, modularization techniques, and debugging strategies into program design.

Design and write programs using the appropriate data structure and fundamental programming constructs for a given problem.

Select and describe relational comparison operators, AND / OR logic and their precedence for a given problem.

Describe the use of arrays and subscripts, and the steps involved in declaring, initializing, loading, and searching arrays.

Develop design documents for an interactive event-driven program.

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Visual Basic Programming: Demonstrate the use of algorithms and pseudocoding to the
Reference No:- TGS02910138

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