
Demonstrate the connections to personal life-popular culture


These reflections may take any form, but must include: 1) reference to the course material or one theoretical concept for the week and 2) relation to one's personal life and/or a popular culture example. Reflections may take the form of: a written paper, a video or vlog post, a song, podcast, zine, or any other form of creative work. In the case of visual artistic submissions, a short paragraph may accompany the work to demonstrate the connections to the course material and personal life and/or popular culture.

Reflection journal entries should be no more than 3 pages in length if they are written, or 5 minutes in length if they are produced in another form, if you have questions about length with respect to another art form, please contact the instructor. Reflection journal entries should be handed in prior to the start of the class. Electronic submissions through blackboard are preferred, however, if the reflection is a physical form, it should be handed in right at the beginning of the class. Each reflection journal entry should use the theory and concepts for the class that is about to commence. Late submissions for reflection journals will not be accepted.

The Reflection for this week is about (Hall, Stuart. "Chapter Four: The Spectacle of the ‘Other'" in Representation 2nd edition. Eds. Stuart Hall et al. Sage: Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore & Washington: 2013: 215-280.

Media Activities:

Jhally, Sut. Edward Said on Orientalism. 1998. Youtube. October 28, 2012. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVC8EYd_Z_g

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