
Demonstrate the ability to identify strategies in effective


In completing this activity, you will demonstrate the ability to identify strategies in effective leadership and management through analyzing research literature.

Consider the statement: "You can be an excellent manager without becoming a good leader; but you cannot be an excellent leader without becoming a good manager" (Chapman & O'Neil, 2000).

Reference: Chapman, E., & O'Neil, S. L. (2000). Leadership: Essential steps every manager needs to know. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Discuss the statement. You may argue for or against the statement. Your response should have the following:

A clear statement of your position, whether you agree or disagree with the statement

Theoretical discussion in support of your position, citing sources

At least two examples that support your position

Be certain to integrate the readings and research from the online library to support your opinions. You must cite your sources in text and include multiple references in addition to the textbook for your initial response and your replies. Be sure to review your writing for grammar and spelling before posting.

Post your primary response.

Respond to two or more of your colleagues' postings in one or more of the following ways:

Address a colleague's analysis and evaluation of the topic(s).

Expand or remark upon a colleague's integration of relevant resources.

Answer question(s) posed by your colleague(s) for further discussion.

Link a colleague's posting to other postings or to course materials and concepts, where appropriate and relevant.

Extend or constructively challenge your colleagues' work.

Remember to read the feedback to your own major postings and reply to it throughout the module.

Consult the Discussion Posting Guide for information about writing your discussion posts. It is recommended that you write your post in a document first. Check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors. When you are ready to make your initial post, click on "Reply." Then copy/paste the text into the message field, and click "Post Reply."

To respond to a peer, click "Reply" beneath her or his post and continue as with an initial post.


This discussion will be graded using a rubric. Please review this rubric prior to beginning your work. View the rubric by clicking on the gear icon Image of gear Iconat the top right side of this page or on the Course Rubrics page within the Start Here module. All discussions combined are worth 20% of your final course grade.

Keep the following points in mind:

Position for or against the statement is clearly stated.

Position for or against the statement is supported by theory and examples.

Appropriate references are used in support of position and are cited in the correct APA format.

In completing this activity, you will demonstrate the ability to identify strategies in effective leadership and management through analyzing research literature.

View the video "Second City." (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. [Video File] [08 min 55 sec] Discuss the video keeping in mind your textbook readings, independent research, and the video. Consider the following in your response:

Discuss the leadership and personality traits needed to be effective in today's turbulent economic and business environment. Did the leadership in Second City display these traits? Why or why not?

Discuss specific challenges to leadership, particularly diversity, globalization, and technology. How successful was the leadership in Second City in meeting these challenges? Give examples to support your answer.

How is the leadership in your organization different from that in Second City? What is the impact of this difference in leadership on the performance of your organization? Take care not to share any confidential information in your response.

Be certain to integrate the readings and research from the online library to support your opinions. You must cite your sources in text and include multiple references in addition to the textbook for your initial response and your replies.

Post your primary response.

Respond to two or more of your colleagues' postings in one or more of the following ways:

Address a colleague's analysis and evaluation of the topic(s).

Expand or remark upon a colleague's integration of relevant resources.

Answer question(s) posed by your colleague(s) for further discussion.

Link a colleague's posting to other postings or to course materials and concepts, where appropriate and relevant.

Extend or constructively challenge your colleagues' work.

Remember to read the feedback to your own major postings and reply to it throughout the module.

Consult the Discussion Posting Guide for information about writing your discussion posts. It is recommended that you write your post in a document first. Check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors. When you are ready to make your initial post, click on "Reply." Then copy/paste the text into the message field, and click "Post Reply."

To respond to a peer, click "Reply" beneath her or his post and continue as with an initial post.


This discussion will be graded using a rubric. Please review this rubric prior to beginning your work. View the rubric by clicking on the gear icon Image of gear Iconat the top right side of this page or on the Course Rubrics page within the Start Here module. All discussions combined are worth 20% of your final course grade.

Keep the following points in mind:

Leadership traits identified are significant, particularly in relation to the challenges specified.

Leadership traits are clearly explained and supported by references to theoretical literature.

Comparison of Second City's leadership and own organization's leadership is objective and relates to important aspects of leadership.

For this discussion, answer the following questions in your initial post:

What company are you planning to use for your process improvement plan?

Why do you plan to develop a process improvement plan for this company?

What are some examples of known deficient processes?

When responding to your peers, review their choice of company and their rationale for developing a process improvement plan. Provide feedback to your peers. Why do you or do you not think it is a good company to develop a process improvement plan for?

Post a 2 to 4 paragraph discussion post (300 words minimum). Justify your explanations by including in-text citations and references in APA format as applicable.

Post your primary response on the discussion board by Thursday at 11:59 pm ET. Be sure to review your writing for grammar and spelling before posting. Read any postings already provided by your instructor or fellow students.

Read and respond to at least two of your classmates. Remember to read the feedback to your own major postings and reply to it throughout the module.

For information about writing your discussion posts, consult Discussion Tips. Be sure to check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors before you post it. When you are ready to make your initial posting, please click on the "Create Thread" button, copy/paste the text from your document into the message field and click "Submit."

Use the EC Library resources to properly cite your work:

Citing Sources

Plagiarism & Copyright

Review the SBT Discussion Rubric located in the "Start Here-Course Information" section of the course for more information on grading criteria. Please review the rubric carefully so you are familiar with the expectations of the activity.

For this assignment, you will select an organization to create a process improvement plan for. This may be the organization you work for or another real organization that you are familiar with. You should have access to the policies and procedures of the organization that you choose.

Your process improvement plan for this organization will evaluate an area in which managers are consistently falling short of expectations. Here are a few areas that managers commonly miss the mark on:

Effective motivation

Sharing the vision

Setting effective expectations

Holding employees accountable

Helping employees with career development

For this assignment, you will be creating a problem statement. In order to do this you will need to:

Provide a brief description of the organization you chose.

Describe the problem with the current processes and why are they ineffective.

Identify the organizational policies and procedures directly related to this process.

Provide specific evidence-based examples that clearly show the process is the cause of the deficiencies in management. Use management theories as evidence-based examples to show the link between the deficiencies and the process.

Consider reviewing David Walonick's article, "Organizational Theory and Behavior," that outlines how each management theory has been applied in the real world and the results those approaches had on the organization.

Determine what ethical, legal, and social issues exist within the current process and whether or not these will be a concern when changing the process.

You should answer the above questions in a 2 to 3 page well-written paper following APA guidelines.

For more information about the final project, please see the Process Improvement Plan - Final Project Overview.

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Operation Management: Demonstrate the ability to identify strategies in effective
Reference No:- TGS02601891

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