
Demonstrate that you can develop a high-tech app using

Project - App Design Session Capture

Project Objectives

• Demonstrate that you can develop a high-tech app using complex event-driven behavior and built-in phone features and sensors

• Identify the User Stories needed to build what the client wants from the app

• Use User Interface input components to allow the user to record the details of the design session.

• Use procedures to eliminate code redundancy and make the code easier to read (Procedural Abstraction)

• Enhance your app interface by adding an About Screen


Brainstorming app design is a lot of fun. Before you know it, the whiteboard is filled with prototype screens and user flow diagrams. This is the preliminary design documentation that will drive your project forward.

To ensure each member of your team has the output from your creative efforts, what's needed is a simple way to capture what's on the whiteboard.

Fortunately, with App Inventor 2, you have all the tools you need. Here's what I propose you build to record the app requirements and the details of the design session:

Your Design Session Capture app should allow the user to photograph the brainstorming images whether they be on a whiteboard, large flip charts, a series of User Story cards, or in the form of a sticky-note flow.

(Remember: Only landscape mode is currently supported for photos in AI2).

From there, the app should give the user the option to annotate the picture from a project historian's perspective: What, Who, When, Where:

• Who should be used to note the team members present.

• What should be used to record a brief description of what the team was trying to accomplish during the design session.

• When should timestamp the camera image.

• Where should location stamp the camera image with latitude, longitude, and Google's best guess (based on lat/long) for the location where the session was held.

AI2's Camera, Clock, and Location Sensor components will make sourcing the details a breeze.

Once, the app is near completion, add an About Screen (Hint: See Screen1 AboutScreen property). Also, incorporate the royalty-free image provided  as the default image for your opening screen. This default image will be replaced once you take your first design session photo.

Attachment:- Project.rar

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Management Information Sys: Demonstrate that you can develop a high-tech app using
Reference No:- TGS02688238

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