
Demonstrate proficiency in the structural analysis of

1. Assess and define the structural determinacy and stability of a range of structures.

2. Demonstrate proficiency in the structural analysis of cables and arches and in calculating deflection for statically determinate structures.

3. Demonstrate proficiency in the analysis of indeterminate structures using force and displacement methods.

4. Construct influence lines for determinate and indeterminate structures and use influence lines to ascertain the effect of moving loads on the structure.

5. Manage and communicate information effectively through the use of written and graphical communication to professional audiences.


In brief, these are the assessment tasks for this Unit (details below):

To be eligible to obtain a pass in this unit, students must achieve a mark of at least 50% in the examination and a mark of at least 50% in the practical report.

Assignment 1

Brief description of assessment task Use structural analysis techniques to solve two separate structural engineering problems and provide a written response which demonstrates the depth of your understanding of the results.

Ability to assess and define the structural determinacy and stability of structures,

Ability to determine deflections of statically determinate structures,

Construct influence lines for determinate and indeterminate structures and use influence lines to ascertain the effect of moving loads on the structure,

Manage and communicate information effectively through the use of written and graphical communication.

Application of structural analysis knowledge and capabilities,

Ability to use written and graphical communication to inform,

Ability to evaluate information using critical and analytical thinking and judgement,

Ability to create solutions to authentic structural engineering problems.

Assessment 2

Use structural analysis techniques to solve two separate structural engineering problems and provide a written response which demonstrates the depth of your understanding of the results.

ULO1: Ability to assess and define the structural determinacy and stability of structures,
ULO3: Demonstrate proficiency in the analysis of statically indeterminate structures using force and displacement methods,
ULO5: Manage and communicate information effectively through the use of written and graphical communication.
GLO1: Application of structural analysis knowledge and capabilities, GLO2: Ability to use written and graphical communication to inform, GLO4: Ability to evaluate information using critical and analytical thinking and judgement,
GLO5: Ability to create solutions to authentic structural engineering problems.

Assessment task 3

A report which demonstrates knowledge of the experimental methods from the practical sessions, including analysis of experimental data and interpretation of results.

ULO2: Demonstrate proficiency in the structural analysis of cables and arches and in calculating deflection for statically determinate structures,
ULO4: Construct influence lines for determinate and indeterminate structures and use influence lines to ascertain the effect of moving loads on the structure.
ULO5: Manage and communicate information effectively through the use of written and graphical communication to a professional audience
GLO1: Application of structural analysis knowledge and capabilities, GLO2: Ability to use written and graphical communication to inform, GLO4: Ability to evaluate information using critical and analytical thinking and judgement,
GLO5: Ability to create solutions to authentic structural engineering problems.

Assessment task 4

Closed-book examination of two hours duration. All work presented during the classes, seminars and practicals is examinable.

ULO1: Assess and define the structural determinacy and stability of a range of structures,
ULO2: Demonstrate proficiency in the structural analysis of cables and arches and in calculating deflection for statically determinate structures,
ULO3: Demonstrate proficiency in the analysis of indeterminate structures using force and displacement methods,
ULO4: Construct influence lines for determinate and indeterminate structures and use influence lines to ascertain the effect of moving loads on the structure,
ULO5: Manage and communicate information effectively through the use of written and graphical communication.

GLO1: Application of structural analysis knowledge and capabilities, GLO2: Ability to use written and graphical communication to inform, GLO4: Ability to evaluate information using critical and analytical thinking and judgement,
GLO5: Ability to create solutions to authentic structural engineering problems.

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Dissertation: Demonstrate proficiency in the structural analysis of
Reference No:- TGS02270743

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