Demonstrate knowledge of accommodations and modifications

Assignment Description: Students will demonstrate knowledge of successful accommodations and modifications for students with disabilities in the context of a lesson plan of your choosing for either elementary, middle level, or secondary students on the topic of your choosing. Students will also demonstrate understanding of UDL guidelines and practices. See assignment in Brightspace for more information.

For your assignment, you will:

1. Take an existing lesson plan or research a lesson plan idea.

2. Complete the Eastern lesson plan template (on Brightspace).

3. Identify two students with special needs in your classroom and write a 1-page summary for each, indicating the appropriate accommodations or modifications, and the rationale as to why you believe these accommodations would help the learner meet the instructional goals.

4. Your final submission will be a lesson plan, and a 2-3-page supplemental document that outlines the accommodations/modification for that lesson for your chosen student with special needs.

This will be a lesson plan for 4th graders

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Other Subject: Demonstrate knowledge of accommodations and modifications
Reference No:- TGS03439479

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