Assignment task: Allow the student to demonstrate in a comprehensive manner what they have learned in Human Resource Management (HR).
Part A1: Identify a topic and organization for the assignment. This can be the student's current place of work or a company researched by the student. Often the best topic to choose is one that happened during an organizational / individual change as human resource management is most pronounced during that time.
HELPFUL HINT ON IDENTIFYING COMPANY AND HUMAN RESOURCE AREA (IF NOT USING YOUR OWN COMPANY): Skim the table of content for two Human Resource topics of interest from your learning for the term. Identifying a company which is of interest to you: Apple, Microsoft, GE as examples. Internet search the HR topics and company. The results often give you set of base facts to demonstrate your HR learning.
Part A2: Present all the facts relevant to the topic in enough detail to allow the instructor to understand and grade your work. Identify fact from opinion. Student may extrapolate additional facts from their past work experiences to demonstrate competency in each of the content areas. Remember to examine the facts of the situation from the point of view of the employees, supervisor/management, and organization (senior leadership/Human Resources)
Part A3: The first content area is HR theory and processes. Identify all applicable theory along with discussing the facts of the situation. This section will demonstrate your application knowledge of the theory as well as critical analysis and thinking.
Part B4: The second content area is the impact of Human Resources on team processes. Identify all applicable theory along with discussing the facts of the situation. This section will demonstrate your application knowledge of the theory as well as critical analysis and thinking.
Part B5: The third content area is organizational and management processes. Identify all applicable theory along with discussing the facts of the situation. This section will demonstrate your application knowledge of the theory as well as critical analysis and thinking.