Demonstrate how to code a workable digital prototype in GameMaker based on some requirements obtained from user stories.
A medium-fidelity prototype is a digital prototype that has some interactivity and some kind of character actions (movement), where potential players can try out some features coded in it. A vertical prototype is a digital prototype that shows just one part of the whole video game, such as the main menu, or demonstrate just the core mechanic.
In this assignment, you will propose, design and code a playable prototype in GameMaker for the team to analyze. If you want, the team can choose one of the prototypes created in this assignment as a baseline for your course project's sprints.
Write at least two user stories about a game core mechanic (the most common player's action in the game, e.g. in platform games its core mechanic is jumping) for your tower defense game from your course project. Create functional and non-functional requirements out of those user stories. This is an example of a core mechanic for a tower defense game: the player drags and drops traps to defending the lanes against oncoming hordes of npc enemies. In this assignment you don't need to create working npcs; you just need to code the core mechanic based on the requirements that yo defined. You can figure out and implement a new mechanic.
You will need to model your code before start using GameMaker. Create a UML use-case diagram about the core mechanic.
You can use any tool for making the diagram.
Your prototype should also contain a background image, sound effects and music related to the atmosphere defined in your course project. Create or download from the Internet at least one sound effect and one background music (music loop). You can download the image and sounds from free-to-use websites. You can download a music loop from sites.
Make sure that the sounds and images you download belong to the public domain or they are free to use for non-commercial applications. Check their license. Explain this in the assignment report.
Write the sounds and image sources (links) in your assignment report.
Write a report with the following descriptions:
user stories
Requirements obtained from the user stories
Links of music, sound effects and background image. Explain whether the files are free to use.
The use-case diagram about your core mechanic.
This is a good tutorial on how to program a game in GM
Video - GameMaker Studio 2: Your First Game (GML) - Part 1
Don't forget to properly document your code. You will need to add comments describing the code's purpose, author's name, version number and creation date, description of the main functions, etc.
Upload your report and the Gamemaker files in a zip file to the CMS. Don't forget to include in the zip file all the GameMaker project's folders.
Attachment:- Assignment.rar