
Demonstrate effective communication by composing writing

Learning objectives

This assignment specifically addresses the following learning objectives of the course:

Demonstrate effective communication by composing writing that communicates ideas, meaning and/or argument in a format that broadly follows conventions in the information systems field.

Apply technology and online skills to locate relevant information for the assignments, analyse the presented problems and data, and engage in the use of the resources provided on UConnect.

Critical Analysis

You have just been hired as the CIO of a successful multinational management service provider with offices in cities across the globe. You provide major categories of knowledge services to consumers (based on big data, which is your specialisation) that include hospitals and other health agencies.

One of your customer is interested in knowing how ‘personal health records' can be managed in his organisation. This customer (CEO) has read an article while traveling f?n:New York to Bombay, and with the explosion of health tourism in India, thought, this would be an area that his company should investigate further. The CEO understood that Personal Health Record consists of many issues to consider, policies to be developed or modified at organisational level, and new investments to be made to manage data security.

This CEO approached you to provide an initial report on Personal Health Records with in the context of Global Information Systems has, and strategies required to implementing such a system in his organisation.

You are required to research the background for a project to implement and manage Personal Health Records, determine the scope for the extent to which you recommend use of this concept at an organisation level.

The scope of this assignment is restricted to the following key aspects:

1. How is Personal Health Records utilised in other organisations and what are the risks.

2. What experiences are gained by other companies in using Personal Health Records.

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a Personal Health Records concept in an organisation.

4. The scope to which you recommend this organisation to utilise the Personal Health Records concept.

5. The infrastructure required to realise such a concept.

6. Best-practice for how this concept should be managed.

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Management Information Sys: Demonstrate effective communication by composing writing
Reference No:- TGS01002725

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