Demonstrate critical understanding of research on immigrant

Assignment Task:

Demonstrate a critical understanding of research on immigrant youth, situate it within the readings provided and sociological frameworks, identify important takeaway points and debates, recognize or challenge one's and authors' assumptions, and highlight problematic issues and gaps in knowledge. Evaluate and assess the authors' methods, evidence, and arguments. pick some or all of the articles to execute what is needed to be done.


  • Agi, Abunya C. and Deborah Rivas-Drake. 2022. "'Other People's Battles?' Incorporating the Experiences of Immigrant-Origin Black American Youth in Ethnic/Racial Identity Research. Identity 22(2):101-115.
  • Glozman, Jenny and Susan S. Chuang. 2019. "Multidimensional Acculturation and Identity of Russian-Speaking Youth in Canada: The Role of Parents." Journal of Adolescent Research 34(4):464-488.
  • Poteet, Morgan and Alan Simmons. 2016. "Not Boxed In: Acculturation and Ethno-Social Identities of Central American Male Youth in Toronto." Journal of International Migration and Integration 17:867-885.
  • Sano, Yujiro, Lisa Kaida, and Eric Y. Tenkorang. 2015. "Racial Variations in Ethnic Identity Among the Children of Immigrants in Canada." Canadian Ethnic Studies 47(3):49-68.
  • Yoon, Kyong. 2019. "Diasporic Youth Culture of K-Pop." Journal of Youth Studies 22(1):138-152.

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