Demonstrate and provide examples to justify your understanding of the following conceptual phases of IT auditing over a 12 week duration:
Week 1-3
Ethical Requirements and Auditors' Independence
- Demonstrate an understanding of IT auditing ethical requirements using examples
- Evaluate and demonstrate the importance of IT auditor independence using examples
Week 3-5
IT Audit Planning Part I
Analyse and demonstrate an understanding of:
- IT auditing process based using examples
- Client engagement using examples
- Business and Audit Risk (control risk, inherent risk, and detection risk, etc.) using examples
- Risk of fraud using examples
Week 5-7
IT Audit Planning Part II
- Demonstrate an understanding of analytical review/procedures and materiality using examples IT Audit Planning Part III
- Evaluate and demonstrate an understanding and application of internal controls and IT audit controls using examples
Week 7-9
Evidence Gathering
Demonstrate using examples the ability and skill to gather evidence through:
- Audit sampling
- Tests of controls - IT
- Substantive tests of detail - IT
- Substantive analytical procedures
- Audit strategy
- Use of other auditors/experts and internal audit report
Week 9-11
Audit Reporting
Demonstrate using examples the ability and skills to analyse, develop, and report:
- Subsequent events
- Going concern
- Audit reports
- Expectations gap
- Legal liability
- Corporate dilemmas
Week 11-12
Compilation of portfolio and submission
Portfolio Presentation
- The effective and creative presentation of work that demonstrates critical observation,reflection and discrimination in the correct written style
- The use of a range of sources which are properly acknowledged