For this task, you must demonstrate an understanding of timetables by producing a timetable for the implementation of the cyber security policy and procedure that was developed for Task. The timetable design is up to the student but should be produced using software and be in a similar format to a Gannt chart or excel spreadsheet.
This task will be conducted in a simulated environment that replicates the workplace and must include the following equipment/resources:
1. Corporate governance documentation required for role
2. Organisational operational policies and procedures required for role.
3. Computer and software capable of producing charts. To complete this part of the assessment, present
Table: Cyber security policy
Cyber security policy
Start date
End date
Stakeholders to be consulted
Review exciting policy for gaps
1 business day
Research and draft new policies to fill gaps
Submit draft for review
Assess feedback from review
Revised policy submitted for approval
Final approved and distributed