The report only focus on: A review of the effectiveness of modern educational games on mobile devices. (not for education app) the structure is follow on the section.
Technical Report
Demonstrate an understanding of the important features and functionality of mobile devices such as location awareness, wireless communications, user interfaces and interaction design
Develop an appreciation of contemporary and emerging mobile technology and related innovations
Synthesize industry standard and underlying principles and concepts for decision making
Convey information clearly and fluently, in high quality written form appropriate for their audience
The technical report consists of two parts: part 1 is a survey written in the style of a comparative review paper, part 2 is a presentation of part 1 in the form of a screencast using the assertion-evidence presentation style. These tasks will familiarize you with the academic world of mobile technology. Suggested area of focus is:
A review of the effectiveness of modern educational games on mobile devices
Impact of the report
CLO(K2) Demonstrates a discriminating understanding of the interrelationships between mobile technology principles, concepts and industry standards. Integrates mobile technology principles, concepts and industry standards in complex decision making.
Writing style
CLO(S3) Demonstrates a discriminating understanding of the purpose of the writing task, characterised by a clear topicthat is developed in relation to the audience.
Understanding of mobile technology
SLO(2) Demonstrate an understanding of the important features of mobile technology in the context of the writing task.
Current and future innovations
SLO(4) Demonstrate an appreciation of current and emerging aspects of mobile technology.
Appropriate use of grammar and text formatting.
Introduction section
Motivates the context of the report.
Background section
Discusses historical aspects in enough detail for the context of the report.
Conclusions section
Makes an effective summary and highlights the insights of the report.
Presentation style
Demonstrates an effective use of the assertion-evidence style.
Presentation Quality
Slide content consists of appropriate diagrams, text, and data.