
Demonstrate an understanding of how issues relating to the

Your assessment is to:

Write an Op-Ed (opinion-editorial) that allows you to demonstrate an understanding of how issues relating to the dignity of the human person and the realization of the common good may be addressed by you in your professional practice now and in the future.

You will need to select one issue from the list below that relates to the degree program you are studying and write a concise but persuasive opinion piece on this issue relating to the dignity of the human person and the realisation of the common good that relates to your future professional practice.

List of issues

- unaffordable health care
- health/wellbeing as a human right (violations)
- nonqualified commentators/advisors giving advice on people's health
- the "lethality" of loneliness (and isolation)
- failing to "close the gap"
- cuts in government funding for education
- unaffordable education
- the task of education (overcoming racism, ageism or sexism)
- excessive profits (business contexts)
- alienation on social media networks
- criminal "youth gangs"
- plastic in the (human) food chain
Readings for this assessment:

The readings of the unit available to you via LEO and through any wider or further reading you wish to include. Please note that you are not required to read outside of the reading list in the unit in order to achieve a high distinction in this assessment task.

Further, you should read the articles on LEO that explain more fully what an Op-Ed piece is before commencing this assessed task.

General Instructions:

- Create an evocative and engaging Op-Ed that applies insights from Assessment 1 (knowledge base) on an issue from the list above relating to the dignity of the human person and the realisation of the common good that relates to your professional practice (ie the degree program you are studying).

- The Op-Ed should clearly explain to readers what your understanding of the issue is and how your understanding of the knowledge you have acquired in the unit addresses this issue in relation to the discipline area you are studying in. Please note that you do not have to come up with the ‘definitive solution' rather provide a well-argued view in order to move forward on the issue.

- The Op-Ed is to be no more than 700 words long. The idea is to express your thoughts clearly and concisely and make your argument as directly as you can - just like a journalist or writer. Do not assume that this assignment is easy given the word length. The challenge is to present a persuasive argument in a concise manner!

Although Op-Ed's do not usually require referencing, however for this academic work, referencing is required. References do not count in the word limit. See referencing guidelines on the UNCC100 LEO page (You can find it under Assessment>How do I reference course materials for UNCC units?).

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Dissertation: Demonstrate an understanding of how issues relating to the
Reference No:- TGS02937319

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