
Demonstrate an understanding of how domestic and global

Activity 1 (Assessment Phase)

Walmart. Discuss the major operational threats the organization's logistical functions face as a result of global terrorism.

Activity 2 (Improvement Phase)

What might the organization do better, to mitigate the terrorist threats to its logistics operations?

Armed forces personnel who cannot address these questions owing to security concerns should examine a larger question. What logistical threats does the nation face, and how can these risks be reduced?

Demonstrate an understanding of how domestic and global terrorism threaten the logistics of the nominated organization. Discuss how these risks may be mitigated. Creatively synthesize current and past course material to devise solutions that balance security with efficiency and effectiveness.

Blanchard, D. (2006 Dec.) Protecting the Global Supply Chain, Industry Week, Cleveland: Vol. 255, Iss. 12, pg. 43, 2 pgs. [ProQuest doc ID: 219748947]

Closs, D, Spier, C, Whipple, J, M. & Voss, D. (2008 Sep) A Framework for Protecting your Supply Chain, Logistics Management (2002) Highland Ranch: Vol.47, Iss. 9; pg. 45, 1 pgs. [ProQuest doc ID: 197209740]

Sheffi, Y (2001) Supply Chain Management Under the Threat of International Terrorism,International Journal of Logistics Management, Ponte Vedra Beach: Vol. 12, Iss. 2; pg. 1, 11 pgs.[ProQuest doc ID: 235866128]

Suder, G, & Czinkota, M. (2005 Fall) Towards An Understanding of Terrorism Risk in the MNE,Multinational Business Review, Detroit: Vol 13, Iss. 3, pg. 3. [ProQuest doc ID: 194181282]

Zalud, Bill, (2010 May) Every Link in the Chain, Security, Troy: Vol. 47, Iss.5; pg. 28, 3 pgs. [ProQuest doc ID: 197786976]

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Marketing Management: Demonstrate an understanding of how domestic and global
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