
Demonstrate an attitude of openness toward religions that

Through successful completion of this assignment, you will:

1. Reflect on your personal concepts of spirituality in relation to other traditions.

2. Demonstrate an attitude of openness toward religions that are not your own.

3. Explain how your personal attitudes about religion and spirituality impact experiencing a different religion.

4. Explain how the experience can be related to one's own ideas of religion or self.

5. Apply course concepts and ideas to a reflection on the experience.

6. Analyze religion in terms of its relation to culture and practice.


• Submit a paper that is 2-4 pages in length, with double-spaced text in 10-12 point font.

• Submit a paper that attempts to answer all the questions posed for the selected option.

• Present your paper using APA Style guidelines and format.

• Written communication successfully conveys the message.

Note: The instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing (See Attachment).

Below are the interview questions.

1. Who did you interview, what is their religion, and why did you select that faith?

Bishop Dickie L. Adams, Christian faith

2. What was the date and time of your interview?

April 25, 2011

3. Where did you conduct the interview?

The interview was conducted on Joint Base Balad (JBB) Chapel.

4. How did this person become a part of their religion? Were they born into it, or did they pick it?

His family attended a church of the Christian faith, but he made a personal decision to follow the tenets of the Christian faith in at the age of twenty-two.

5. What are their traditions or rituals and what is the significance of these?

Some of their traditions are regular church attendance (praying, worshipping in song, giving tithe and offering preaching or teaching), praying often throughout the day, helping those in need, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, baptisms, most importantly, showing Love in all that they do.

6. What does their religion believe about the following?

• How would they characterize the divine?

They characterize divine as that which comes from the Creator (Jehovah God), who is divine, supernatural, spiritual, Supreme and all powerful.

• What human problem does the religion address?

Their religion address the human problem of sin and the many faces of it, like hatred, alcoholism, drug addiction, thievery, lying, adultery, murder, etc.

• What is the solution to that problem?

The solution to those problems is the forgiveness of sin, the salvation of Jesus Christ, which change our heart and mind towards these actions.

• What is their religion's view of life after death?

Their view of life after death is that the soul of all mankind lives for eternity; and if they believe in the plan of salvation through Jesus Christ according to the Creators (Jehovah) will they will spend eternity in with Him, but if not they will spend eternity in Hell and the lake of fire.

7. How should their religion play out in areas such as the workplace?

Their faith is a way of life that influence their moral character on the job and they should always let their light shine before men that their good works will be seen and God can be glorified. When the opportunity presents itself their faith should be shared orally.

8. Based on what you heard, how do you personally relate to this person's religious faith?

We both believe in God and we believe that the solution to the problem that religion address is the forgiveness of sin.

9. If you chose a religion studied in this course, what parallels can you find from your readings?


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