
Demonstrate advanced written and oral communication skills

Assignment - Project Proposal Documentation


The course objectives met by this assignment include:

On successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

1. demonstrate advanced written and oral communication skills by preparing and presenting professional documentation that is tailored to a specific audience

2. demonstrate the ability to organise and contribute to a project in a group environment

3. demonstrate the ability to manage, set and meet the deadlines agreed to as part of a group activity

4. demonstrate understanding of advanced programming and design techniques in developing distributed business enterprise systems

5. apply the appropriate planning and problem-solving skills required for the successful completion of a business systems project

6. demonstrate an understanding of technologies used in J2EE Enterprise applications (such as .ISF, JSP, XML, DOM, StAX, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, SAX, SOAP, EJB, RPC, JMS, JNDI, .IMS, etc)

7. demonstrate creativity, initiative, and enterprise by translating the problem into a solution (enterprise web application) that is efficient, economic, smart, and easily maintainable, and complies with the course material and specified Java 2EE software installations

8. demonstrate the ability to create, manage, and distribute robust, reliable, secure, and user-friendly component-based enterprise applications to provide business solutions in a multi tier web based enterprise system

9. where relevant, demonstrate the capacity to work successfully with others as part of a team to plan and deliver a project

In the assignment we will start analysing and designing the changes needed to implement the new functionalities in the sample solution. Before we can start the implementation we need to analyse the project and describe the changes we will be implementing and the benefits of the design to get the project go ahead from the project instigator. For this purpose we need to provide a project proposal to the customer. So far all out team members have looked at the project individually now it's time to contribute to the possible solution.

This part along with submission 6 combined make up the documentation for project proposal and implementation. You are free to extend the proposal section but you must include the sections listed in this document. Ensure that the sections are easy identifiable and discoverable.

Assignment Activities.

Minimum 20 pages in length for the body of the document. For our purposes the body of the document starts at ‘Current Application Description' and ends before ‘Developer Details'.

a.) Create a project using the project management tool the team has selected.

b.) Update the project Management tool with the time spent on research and working with new technologies needed for the application for all the team members.

c.) Add to the Project Management tool the different planned activities needed to implement the changes to the solution. Allocate activity to all the team members

d.) Document the current application describing the major classes used by the application.

e.) Document the current application describing the flow of data and screens between the different activities.

f.) Document the design changes needed to implement the mandatory features listed in the project proposal.

g.) Documented optional features that will be implemented as part of the project. (All groups you will need to implement at least 4 optional features or recommend your own additional features to the project)

h.) Describe and justify how the system will work without the other features listed in the project proposal.

You are to report on the current state of your assignment 3. You need to provide at least the following details for this assignment.


a.) Print out of the project activates clearly indicating current work and work to be done with milestones and deliverables

b.) Project Plan describing in detail the activities and team members involvement and activities needed to finalise the project.

c.) The Project Document should include the following sections. The rest of the document will be added to this document as the final submission (the implementation documentation).

- Project title page (All member of the team listed)
- Letter of transmittal
- Executive summary
- Current application description
- System overview (description of what makes this system unique)
- System operation (services provided and operations performed)
- Proposal Objectives(why should this project go ahead)
- Project/System Overview
- Project Scope (those things that are planned to be implemented)
- Project Exclusions (things that will not be implemented and justifications)
- Current Application Design Description
- UML of classes of the current design (or other methodology you are familiar with)
- UML Sequence Diagrams
- Information flow between pages and activities of the current application
- Detailed Proposed Changes
- Detailed description of the mandatory changes that will be implemented
- Detailed description of the optional features that will be implemented
- Proposed Costs and Time that will be needed foreach of the changes
- Estimated Itemised Cost of the whole project changes (see note at end of document)*
- Benefits of the proposed changes to the organisation
- Detailed description of the new Solution with the proposed changes
- UML Use Case Diagrams
- UML with added class diagrams
- UML new Sequence Diagrams
- Detailed description of the data flow between pages
- Detailed description of future changes possible due to new design
- Developer Details
- Describe the team members and their technical strengths.
- Detail the responsibilities in the project for each of the team members.
- Detail the communication and meeting protocol implemented for the project

For the cost of changes section, you will need to consult employment web sites to approximate the cost that a professional in the web development area earns in your region.

Using this information, you need to approximate what a professionalwould charge to implement the changes you have designed with the time allocated for the changes.

The details are then to be used by the project owner to make a decision if the project is to proceed or scaled down to match the current needs of the organisation or available budget.

This is to try and simulate the cost of the activity we are about to undertake and force us to consider that which is important for the project.

Australian student, 20 pages, 1.5 spacing, times new roman, Harvard AGPS, USQ style... both in text and reference list.

Attachment:- Proposed-Feature-List.pdf

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Dissertation: Demonstrate advanced written and oral communication skills
Reference No:- TGS01578795

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