
Demonstrate academic and professional literacy by collating

Part -1:

1. demonstrate problem solving by understanding the program specifications and developing the correct solution in form of web application that complies with the course materials and the specified .NET software installations, and results in creation of distribute robust, reliable, secure, and user-friendly component-based web application

2. demonstrate academic and professional literacy by collating theoretical and practical course material into a workable application through understanding concepts and their practical application using .NET

3. demonstrate written communication skills by critical evaluation and writing up evaluation in a concise format

4. demonstrate management, planning, and organisational skills by setting and achieving design and development, in accordance with the specification, to be completed by the assigned due date

5. demonstrate creativity, initiative, and enterprise by translating the problem (program specification) into a solution (web application) that is efficient, economic, smart, and easily maintainable, and complies with the course material and specified .NET software installations

6. demonstrate an understanding of the following concepts and their practical application using .NET: advanced programming concepts; components; web interface design; advanced database access, search, and maintenance techniques; multi-tiered client-server applications; internet security; IIS web server; Windows services; web services; mobile wireless services.

Part -2:

Provide the Home.aspx and Calendar

For your second submission, you are required to fully complete your design and layout for the home page, using the above named header and footer web user controls.

In the centre, the home page must provide some information about the business (this way you do not need to cater for the ‘about us' page), together with the implementation of the calendar.


The calendar needs to cater for a) special discount on a particular day and b) an activity suitable for your retail business.

When the customer clicks on a date that you have set up to be a) or b) above, then some information needs to be displayed in a separate textbox or component of your choice to provide details about the special date to the customer.

Provide a header and footer .ascx - web user control

For the second submission you also need to create a header and a footer using the Web User Control as per module 3 exercise.

The header needs to contain the business name, the business logo, its address, and hyperlinks to other pages, with a hyperlink to the home page as the first in the list, and the link to the shopping cart must be the right most.

The footer will provide hyperlinks to the home page and shopping cart only.

You are required to use the header and footer on all pages.

Provide an XML control with XML and XSLT

In the first submission you provided a table listing the web pages and a print screen of these web pages in the Solution Explorer, together with an XML file.

As outlined in the first assignment specification you need to implement the functionality for the products to be listed in accordance to the categories.
For this purpose, you need to implement the following in your web application for the second submission (as per module 4)

• XML control
o With the XML file you created for the first submission
o And an XSLT file
Provide a page to list the products within categories

For the second submission, you must have the categories and products (please refer to first submission specification regarding how many) fully working.

The customer must be able to select a category. When the category is clicked, the products within this category are then displayed.

The products must be displayed using an XML control with XML and XSLT file. You will be using the XML file from your first submission including feedback and your own improvements of the XML file. You can use either arguments (see module 3 exercise on the study desk) with your XSLT or you can create separate XML file, each only containing data that belongs to the relevant category.

The details that your XML control must display are
• Product name
• Product picture (small size)
• Product price
• Default to number of items to be 1 with an option for the customer to change either using dropdown or textbox input with validation control together with source code validation
• Control to ‘Add to cart'
Provide a page to display all details of one product
When the customer clicks on the product picture, you must display the details of that product on a separate page.
• Product name
• Product picture
• Product description
• Product price
• Default to number of items to be 1 with an option for the customer to change either using dropdown or textbox input with validation control together with source code validation
• Control to ‘Add to cart'
• Link to return to previous page

The page must be pleasingly arranged with the information well balanced across the white spaces.

Provide a Shopping cart page

For your second submission you also must provide a shopping cart page. In your header web user control, you already cater for a hyperlink to your shopping cart.

The shopping cart page of course would also use the header and footer web user control, just as all the other web pages in your web application.

In the centre of the shopping cart web page, you would list the products that reside in the shopping cart (product name, price and quantity), with a total at the bottom.

While more specifications will be provided to you in the specifications for the final submission, for this second submission you must ensure that your shopping cart page is fully functional with the shopping cart being empty.

The shopping cart page must also provide a button to "Continue shopping" and "Purchase products".

Provide completed data entry and validation in your solution

For your second assignment submission you must provide information about the data entry that you will be requesting from your customer. The weekly exercises posted on the study desk discuss some of the data requirements.

Once the customer has completed the process of adding products to the shopping cart, the shopping cart page as described above, has a button that will allow the customer to complete the purchasing process ("Purchase products"). This button will lead to a web page that will obtain the customer contact details, shipping and billing address, as well as payment details.

You need to determine whether your data entry will be one or more web forms.

For the second submission you are required to provide the completed design and layout of your data entry web form(s).

Customer contact details

Customer details would be first name, surname, contact (address, phone, email, etc.).
Shipping and billing address

Address where the products will be delivered to and where the invoice will be delivered to. The billing and shipping address can be different is someone purchases products as a gift. Then the bill will be send to the customer and the products to the shipping address.

Give the customer an option to tick/untick rather than getting them to type the address again.

Payment details

While real world businesses would have either a more elaborate process to also secure and check data entry of payment details or use a third party, for this course we will create a small prototype that will simulate payment options. Think of it as giving your retail business functionality with your recommended data entry layout.


For the second submission you do not need to use a database in your solution yet. However, you need to know that you will be writing the customer details, shipping billing address and list of products to a database at the end after the payment details entered and a confirmation button pressed.


Your data entry pages need to use Validation controls, Regular expressions, drop down lists, and the source code of any additional data validation that you need to write.

All your source code must be in the code-behind editor. Do not use JavaScript, you need to write all your source code using VB.NET or C#. All source code (code-behind) must be executed and run at the server.

Provide Copyright images

As a software developer it is essential to ensure that you are ethically correct in what you do - more so because you are an IT professional. Therefore, any images that you are going to use for your products or logo must be copyright free. There are web sites that have images that people can use for free (creative commons). Please read carefully what the conditions are. Some web site requires you to obtain permission from them to use their free images. You can take a photo, but not of a product as this would not be copyrighted as well.
In the real world the business would provide the images to you. This is being acknowledged in this course and while you must use a different image for each product, it can be a photo of grass, carpet pattern, etc. Please make sure that the image is decent and non-provocative and non-offensive.

The importance is on implementation of functionality - your solution selecting and displaying the corresponding image depending on the customer interaction, not that the image is a true representation of the product.


For your second assignment submission, you need to complete the functionalities described above.

If you are already working on other functionality not specified here (work in progress) then you are obliged for this submission to ensure that you will be commenting out any source code (code-behind) that will prevent the web application from running.

You must ensure that you web application can run in debug mode, the same way as you would run your web application.

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DOT NET Programming: Demonstrate academic and professional literacy by collating
Reference No:- TGS0589232

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