
Demonstrate ability to apply appropriate statistical

Do a desertion proposal about women riding horses in UAE. As the number is very low in comparison to other countries like the UK for example.

The things you will be researching are like the religious and cultural issues, and the scientific affect of riding on women such as loosing virginity.

Find the hypothesis and null hypothesis. the whole study i would like to know what stops women from riding wether its the culture or scientific.

You are required to prepare a Research Proposal for an academically rigorous piece of research which you plan to undertake for the third year Dissertation module. (If the plan, or indeed the topic area, needs to change later for the actual Dissertation, your mark for research proposal will not be affected), but you will need to ‘go through the process' again to plan for the new investigation.

This proposal should clearly and concisely explain WHAT you plan to research, describe in what ways the research may be expected to be of value to the industry, and outline HOW the research will be undertaken. The proposal should specify the scope, boundaries and context of the research, the methods to be used and the time and resources it will require.

It needs also to include the WHO, the WHERE and the WHEN as they relate to your planned research. COSTS of undertaking the work need to be considered.

A complete proposal will allow tutors to judge whether your plan has methodological integrity and whether the investigation is feasible.

Plan research projects, define research questions and identify the associated information requirements, within the context of relevant literature, theories and prior studies.

Appreciate and identify potential sources of error in research, and constraints to research such as resource limitations, logistical and ethical issues.

Demonstrate ability to apply appropriate statistical analysis techniques to manipulate and interpret data to examine relationships, test hypotheses and draw critically valid conclusions.

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Dissertation: Demonstrate ability to apply appropriate statistical
Reference No:- TGS01042788

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