
Demonstrate a working knowledge of computer network concepts


Computer Networks and Operating System

Assignment Overview

The result of writing user programs on modern operating systems should allow program designers to solve complex problems with a number of simple techniques.

This assignment is focused around using network sockets to pass data from client to/from server user process. As this is a common problem to be solved, there are several useful concepts to demonstrate, each to be delivered as a separate pair of programs as we do with laboratory checkpoints. Each of these will be in the tasks described later in this document.

Examples of the concepts presented here will allow you to start building such application services as; threaded web services, multi-tenant network service delivery, networked database services, parallel processing, message queuing services, along with many others.


Demonstrate an understanding of Computer Network concepts; IP addresses, sockets, simplex vs duplex connections, network protocols

Demonstrate you are able to develop programs in the UNIX environment in C

Demonstrate you are able to articulate user program design choices in terms of; security, efficiency, performance, or other relevant requirements

Topic outcomes achieved

The aim of the assignment is to provide you with and opportunity to apply your new knowledge of operating system concepts

Demonstrate a working knowledge of Computer Network concepts

Demonstrate you can analyse the relevant requirements and present appropriate user program choices

Learn how to apply programming, data structure and algorithm concepts

Inter-Process Communication

Task 1 - From the two provided files on FLO; server1.c and client1.

Find a coding standard or style guide for C, provide the link and format the code according to the standar

Replace command line argument parsing with getopt() and define a usage() error function in c at line 35(A)

Replace the "Q)...?" through out the code with an appropriate values, functions or variables.

The code is similar to the UDP client/server from the workshop in week 10, this client/server pair are using TCP/IP and listen on any IP address on any network interface on the host.

Task 2 - From your working TCP/IP client/server create two programs from Task 1 create; client2.c and server2.c (Marks 40)

Create a simple protocol to inspired by HTTPor similar to request files from the client to the server.

Your server program should;

Listen to a high port (above 1024), accept requests

The client should be able to make a request of a file name, provided by a command line argument, eg;

client2 -g test1.txt client2 -get test1.txt

The server should respond with with a status code and file size in bytes, followed by the contents of the file.

The server should then once finished delivering the file close the connection and listen for further requests.

Task 3 - Reflecting on the requirements and your implementation of tasks 1 and 2, consider in a couple of paragraphs the reasons for each of the following;

What changes would be required in our above programs in Task 1, to use IPv6 instead of IPv4?

Document the "protocol" you chose to implement, outline its' messages and its' rules

How did you choose to parse the strings form the client request and from the server for status and file size?

What techniques would we use to so the server could serve many clients simultaneously?


Check the man pages for functions;

socket() bind() setsockopt() listen() accept() htonl() htons() inet_ntop()

Beej's Guide to Network Programming - Using Internet Sockets;

Online HTML - https://beej.us/guide/bgnet/html/single/bgnet.html

PDF - https://beej.us/guide/bgnet/pdf/bgnet_A4_2.pdf

HTTP standard;


RFC https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616

Further information may be posted to the discussion forum as appropriate.

Academic references

Use academic referencing in either Harvard or IEEE formats

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Computer Network Security: Demonstrate a working knowledge of computer network concepts
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