
Demonstrate a detailed knowledge-base for example can

A critical evaluation of how the 6C's are represented in anaesthetic nursing practice This essay focus must relate to the anaesthetic nursing care of adult patient. But it should be an academic essay, not a reflective essay. Essay word length: 2,000 words The essay should be closely based upon the module outcomes. For example: At the end of the module participants will be able to:

·Demonstrate a detailed knowledge-base, for example, can detail the normal physiological parameters and recognizes and responds to changes/abnormalities in the vital signs values measured.

· Identify individual patient needs and plan/prepare to meet them i.e. selecting appropriate equipment/resources for each individual.

·Respond to complex patient and anaesthetist needs during anaesthesia; discuss potentially hazardoussituations, which may occur, identifying appropriate actions.

· Communicate appropriately and effectively with patients; as well as with members of the multidisciplinary theatre team: respecting and valuing the contributions of all theatre team members. Identify own contribution within the team as an autonomous practitioner.

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Biology: Demonstrate a detailed knowledge-base for example can
Reference No:- TGS01243561

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