
Demonstrate a critical understanding of the changing nature

The role of ICT in a firm's global marketing strategy

Assignment Brief

The completion of this assignment requires you to demonstrate the ability to:

- Demonstrate a critical understanding of the changing nature of the global business environment, buyer behaviour in a global context and the factors which influence the implementation of an organisation's competitive business strategy in a global context.

- Appreciate the use of Information technology and the internet in transforming global business by allowing firms to conduct e-commerce online and to integrate e-business capabilities in their global operations; apply a range of strategic business and financial tools and techniques available to plan and evaluate a global business operation.

Assignment: The role of ICT in a firm's global marketing strategy

The Task

According to Albaum et al (2016), one of the major technological impacts during the past decades on international (global) marketing has been through the internet. They point out that "all phases of business from purchasing through supply chain management through sales and payments / financing have been impacted" (p.335). However, the literature further stresses that while the internet poses tremendous opportunities for international / global marketing there are also several challenges. In their article published way back in 2003, Melewar& Smith (2003) stated that despite offering an unprecedented opportunities to organisations for their global marketing strategies, "the internet brings with it potential difficulties" (p.366).

Critique the current role of theinternetin the business environment of one of the countries in the Middle East. Then examine how ICT (information and communication technology) has impacted upon the marketing strategy and operations of a firm (organisation) of your choice. How hasthefirm (organisation) benefitedfrom (or hampered by, if at all) the current Internet service(such as government policy and programmes, the rate of broadband internet penetration, speed, access, support, cost, quality of service, etc.) available in the country? Finally, propose a set of recommendations that set out possible improvementsa) at country level, and b) at the firm (organisation) level that enables it to implement an ICTstrategy for an effectiveglobal marketing strategy.

In choosing a country - For obvious reasons the first choice is expected to be Oman. However, if for any reason you can't research Oman then select one from the following list only: Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, or the United Arab Emirates.

Choosing a firm (organisation) would depend on the country you have chosen. If you have selected Oman then it is logical to discuss the firm / organisation you work for (if you find it appropriate for the task). Otherwise you can choose any other Omani firm / organisation. If you choose to research any of the other countries then the firm / organisation must be from that same country.The following part explains the key points you should consider in preparing your assignment.

1. Introduction: A brief introduction that provides the purpose of the report or its objectives and how the report is structured. Interpreting the question - this ideally should be clear within the introduction along with background / context.

2. Addressing the question / topic: The main body of the report where the question is addressed. (This part may have a few sections / sub-sections). The key criteria here include:

a. Research - evidence of systematic research approach, depth and breadth of research undertaken; application of some conceptual (theoretical / empirical) framework(s), etc.

b. Analysis - well focussed on answering the question, depth and clarity of argument, evidence of critical engagement, organising / summarising collected information (e.g. in Tables, Graphs, trends, etc.); answering the questions/tasks fully.

c. Scholarly practice - a proper referencing within the report (citations), employing appropriate International Business/ Global Marketing vocabulary, etc., the quality of the Reference section. (Harvard style of referencing).

3. Conclusion: A clear, concise, and relevant conclusion (and recommendations where appropriate). A conclusion where the key points that have emerged from the discussion are summarised, implications and where further investigation may be appropriate are stated.

4. Presentation: Neat layout, and headings / sub-headings where appropriate. Clarity of expression (appropriate language, grammar, spelling, etc.). Length of the report should be 3,500 (+/-10%) without including the reference section. Word-count at the end of the report. No attachments / appendices allowed.

Please note that the above does not necessarily provide you with the headings / subheadings to be used in your report. While generic headings such as ‘Introduction', ‘Conclusion', and ‘Recommendations' would be appropriate and could be used in your report, other headings / subheadings would emerge from the issues you are researching. Headings / subheadings give a logical, sequential, and meaningful structure for your report.

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Marketing Management: Demonstrate a critical understanding of the changing nature
Reference No:- TGS02204111

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