
Demographics and community

Identify the demographics and resources available that can be used to support your mission and purpose for your community organization, and create a list of these available resources.

Analyze how resources and demographics can affect your community organization and its members.

Assess and evaluate your list of community resources to determine which resources would be the most effective.

Then, use your research to justify the purpose of your community organization.

Determine whether it is an area in which you can establish a new program to meet a specific community need. Acknowledge long-term sustainability.

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Other Subject: Demographics and community
Reference No:- TGS01089902

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These various communities often overlap. An African American art teacher, for example, might see herself (or be seen by others) as a member of the African American, arts, and/or education communities, as well as of a particular faith community. An Italian woman may become an intensely involved member of the ethnic and cultural community of her Nigerian husband

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