
demographic dataage continuous variablegender

Demographic data:

Age: continuous variable

Gender: categorical variable with males coded 1, females coded 2.

Relationship status: categorical variable 1 to 5.

Rational -Experiential Inventory:

40 items (20 rational, 20 experiential) rated from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).

Some items were reversed scored.

Mean scores used in analyses, so possible scores are 1 - 5.

Reliability of this scale: Cronbach's alpha: Rationality = .88; Experientiality = .89.

Perceptions of infidelity scale:

19 items rated from 1 (definitely NOT infidelity) to 5 (definitely IS infidelity).

Mean scores used in analyses, so possible scores are 1 - 5.

Reliability of this scale: Cronbach's alpha = .88.

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Advanced Statistics: demographic dataage continuous variablegender
Reference No:- TGS0208006

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